The Ukraine Booklet

The Ukraine Booklet
This is our first ever booklet designed with no profits in mind. All proceeds from this product will go directly to charity in support of the Ukrainian people. The project came about after a few conversations with Noah Sims (@mountain_man_sims) who has spent most of the last year cooking thousands of meals for the people of Ukraine, where we were trying to figure out a good way to help. We decided to work with a Ukrainian artist, and Noah put us in touch with the incredible Ellina Chetverikova (@ellinachetverikova) who came up with the incredibly powerful design.
The Design
The front of the booklet symbolizes the mother of Ukraine holding and protecting her people. The back of the booklet tells the story of the Hero of Ukraine, you can read below for more details on this incredibly moving moment that will never be forgotten. The inside of the booklet is done in the colors of the Ukrainian flag, and depicts the skyline of Kyiv in the background with a field of sunflowers in the foreground. The sunflower is a common symbol of the Ukrainian people, who are resilient, steadfast, and constantly seeking the light in life. 
The story of the Hero Of Ukraine  - Matcievskuy Olexander 
After his capture by Russian troops, Olexander Matcievskuy was interrogated and ultimately shot dead by the russian troops while being filmed on video. The video became a rally cry in Ukraine as the soldier's last words in the video were “Glory to Ukraine”. He was a sniper of 163 batalion and 119 brigade of area defense of Ukraine. The president Volodimir Zelenskiy awarded Olexander Matcievskuy the title of Hero Posthumously. This painting is dedicated to him and all defenders of Ukraine. Slava Ukraini! Geroyam Slava!
In Ukrainian:
Олександр Мацієвський був застреляний російськими військами під час зйомок на відео після того, як сказав «Слава Україні». Він був снайпером 163 батальйону та 119 бригади терріторіальної оборони України. Президент Володимир Зеленський присвоїв Олександру Мацієвському звання Героя посмертно. Йому та всім захисникам України присвячена ця картинка. Слава Україні! Ґероям Слава!